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Some thoughts around sponsored content

Sponsors are vital to the success of the event. As well as being in the top navigation, sponsors and partners will be integrated throughout the site.

  • In the middle of the home layout is a space for logos for sponsors
  • Become a sponsor will be part of “get involved” which will link to the content in the main sponsors section.
  • Sponsors will be on the skill single layouts where there will be two levels: “skills presenters” (most of the time a single logo, occasionally two) and “skills sponsors” (lots of logos).
  • Skill sector layouts, where having actual pages allows for sector sponsors in a way which filters would not. Sector presenters, e.g. “Presented by Caterpillar” will be shown on the skill sector landing next to each sector. Sector presenters will be shown at the top of each sector and skill sponsors (all sponsors of skills in that sector) will be shown further down the layout.

Towards branded or sponsored content

Rather than banner adverts, we intend to explore the idea of creating considered and entertaining work around the sponsor’s products. Many media companies are experimenting with this approach to creating bespoke content “paid for by” a sponsor. Compared to banner ads, which rely on volume, the results are encouraging. In many cases,it might be worth taking time and effort to do collaborate creatively with sponsors on a case by case basis.

For example, let’s say a company that creates tools would like to sponsor our event. We find an interesting angle and write something about someone who’s life has changed because of that company and their tools by, for example, emphasising the bond or trusted relationship that often developments between a worker and their tools. We come up with an interesting story publish it on our site along with the company’s logo.

The approach to sponsored content - to seek to create useful and interesting work which promotes a sponsor’s brand and products - is the best one on the web right now.

If you have any comments or feedback, please let us know using the link at the top of the page.